I have written this special message to you today as I want you to be the first to know about my recently created a new facebook page for Ballet Dancers Guide. I have a vision for us to share our success and be fully involved in the world of dance.

Follow my new facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/balletdancersguidecom, and I will be actively striving to continue to share my passion for dance and help you towards your dancing dreams each day.

It is really important for all aspiring dancers to be ambitious, creative and driven. If you are eager to learn and discover, you will soar into success.

Remind yourself of my unique tips and give yourself a boost of motivation on ballet dancing -


Dancers live in a life full of art, passion and beauty. It is a small world, yet so vast with all the things you can learn and discover.

Best wishes,


P.S - The quote of the day is: “When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible."

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"Inspirational Quote of the day", with love from Odette :-

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I have written a supplement to this website called "Seven Secrets to Success in Ballet" which you can access right here right now for FREE:-

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