Especially in dance, we need a lot of passion within ourselves to express whilst we perform. As Martha Graham once said, "Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion."

Dancing is not an easy career to fulfill, as all dancers go through their ups and downs not knowing what the future holds.

But whatever happens, passion is something all dancers needs to keep alive. It is about finding your own inspiration and your own stimulus that keeps you uplifted through your dreams.

We always need to keep our dreams alive, even just little things like buying your favourite ballet poster, or going to watch your best-loved ballet, all helps in keeping you inspired.

To find more about how to discover your inspiration, look here -

A picture of your favourite dancer can be enough to keep you motivated towards your goal.

Keep your dreams alive!

All the best,


P.s - Don't forget this heartening quote, ""Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion."

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