All dancers go through nerves, worries and doubts. Yet if you can learn to handle these feelings you will soar through the sky and blossom as a dancer.

There are many times when dancers will be nervous such as auditions, performances, or even a new challenging exercise in ballet class. You have a right to feel nervous no matter what the circumstances.

Do not worry about feeling nervous. Those nervous butterflies can be used in a positive way and can actually be beneficial. Often these nerves are good for you and can be used as adrenaline to make you perform even better.

What we must never do is let these nervous feelings discourage us to inhibit our dancing. You have to learn to deal the nerves so that you flourish in performance.

Auditions are especially important for dancers as this is how you get noticed or chosen by teachers for future roles. Therefore, you need to know the top tips to cope with the nerves in these situations so you can stand out as a dancer.

Discover my four top tips for thriving in performance here -

Nerve-racking moments are experiences all dancers have to face. Yet if you can deal with the nerves and stay confident within your own ability, you can soar through all those nervous times.

Believe in yourself.

Best Wishes,


P.S - The quote of the day is, "Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow. "

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