It is fascinating to discover how significant ballet really is to the world. It is a beautiful art form that allows dancers to express themselves through the movement and the music.

There are a huge number of different ballet companies around the world that celebrate the beauty of dance. I am sure you have seen a ballet production at the theatre, and this would have been performed by a certain ballet company.

Every ballet company is made up of a group of dancers who perform not only in ballet, but also a variety of different dance styles such as contemporary or neo-classical.

That is why it is so crucial to be versatile as a dancer. It is important in this day and age to be able to do other styles of dance too such as contemporary, jazz or modern.

For aspiring young dancers, it is greatly beneficial to study other types of dance as it will broaden your opportunities for the future.

The list would be endless to state every single dance company. I am sure you are most familiar with the dance companies around your country but there are so many more around the world!

Discover worldwide ballet companies here -

I would love to hear your about favourite ballet company, or your dream company you aspire to dance in one day.

Don't hold back, share your vision and keep your dreams alive!

All the best,


P.S - The quote of the day is, "To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak".

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