Today I want you to think about the reason and purpose to a dancer's career. Why do dancers train to become a professional? What is a professional ballet dancers career?

Performing is at the heart of dancing and once you reach a professional dancer, it is your job is to perform and bring enchantment to the eyes of your audience.

Yet ballet is an art form that inspires beyond just the audience. For instance, ballet has a great impact on fashion. Ballet flats shoes are just one of the fashion items that ballet has largely influenced.

The ballet world is full of rich repertoire and leading ballet companies. There are a huge variety of performances in theatres around the world. It is valuable to remember the production of a ballet performance takes the collaboration of many different art forms.

Find out more about the dancing life here -

Dancers should be aware of all the many ways you can express and perform as a person, as this all enhances your clarity and depth as a dancer. As to become a top ballerina, you have to be above and beyond the rest. You have to be unique.

Best Wishes,


All the best,


P.S - The quote of the day is -'The dancer must learn to feel each movement, how to be an artist, from the very beginning of training.'~ Fernau Hall

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