Ballet Exercises - Building Fitness

Ballet Exercises - Building Fitness

Hi! :) im just asking how to lessen fats in my stomach area... because i've stop dancing ballet for a year, thats a year of eating and eating... now im back to training ballet... but i got a fatty stomach what should i do???


Ballet Exercises - Building Fitness

Reply by Odette


Thank you for contacting me. It is a pleasure to hear from you.

It is natural for dancers to gain fat or loose tone in their muscles if they stop dancing for some time.

Dancers will more likely be able to achieve a toned, leaned body through particular exercises or cardio work. If you combine a balance of exercise and healthy nutrition, you can work to tone up your body and regain your ballet body.

Pilates or yoga are very popular exercises for dancers to do aside their other exercise classes. Pilates is great for core strengthening and toning the muscles. Many dancers like to have a pilates session before ballet class because it engages your core stability.

A form of aerobic exercise such as jogging or cycling will help to get your fitness back for training in ballet. I advise to do cardio work for 30 minutes a few times a week.

Swimming is particularly good for dancers as it works all the muscles without being too strenuous on the joints.

I would suggest you to eat a healthy, balanced diet full of nutritious foods. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, whole grains and lean proteins.

Drink plenty of water too, 2 litres a day is the recommended amount. Green tea is very good for you too.

Always remember, it takes time to tone up and build fitness. Be patient and persistent and you will be sure to see the results.

Best Wishes,


ps. To become the best dancer you can be, learn the Seven Secrets ..... go to my 'Seven Secrets of Ballet' page

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