Ballet Pointe Shoes - Never Done Pointe

by Erin

Ballet Pointe Shoes - Never Done Pointe

Never done pointe and quit ballet when i was three but can walk on tippy toes no pain at all. It is easier with shoes on but i can do it barefoot too. Should i look further into this talent or drop it?


Ballet Pointe Shoes - Never Done Pointe

Reply by Odette

ballet pre-pointe
Remember, just like I did before I went en pointe, ballet students MUST take responsibility for their own strengthening prior to beginning pointe work.

Australian dancer, Lisa Howell has made a video which explains how pre-point strengthening works.

Don't leave it to your teacher!

You can watch this pre-pointe video
yourself here
(just wait for the page to load up then the video is on the top right of the page).

Hello Erin,

Thank you for contacting me on ballet pointe shoes, it is a pleasure to hear from you.

For extra guidance to get you prepared for pointe, the video above is very useful. In this video, Australian dancer, Lisa Howell has made a video which explains how pre-point strengthening works.

I would not recommend you walking on your tippy toes without the support of ballet pointe shoes. Even though you feel no pain, it is not natural to stand on the tips of your toes so it could still cause your toes and feet great injury.

I would advise you to consider pre-pointe as you can use this talent to your advantage and begin to learn about ballet pointe shoes. If you feel no pain, perhaps you have very strong feet and therefore you would have great potential as a ballet dancer.

I can give you the information that you need to progress to the next level. The secret to success is mental discipline as well as physical ability. Along with the three physical secrets, the Seven Secrets, on the 'Seven Secrets of Ballet' page, will give you the key answers of how to thrive in the ballet world.

Best Wishes,


ps. To become the best dancer you can be, learn the Seven Secrets ..... go to my 'Seven Secrets of Ballet' page

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