Career Development Plan - Ballet Dancing - Is it too late?

by kiya
(south africa)

Career Development Plan - Ballet Dancing - Is it too late?: -

i am now in my twenty's..............currently doing inter foundation,is it too late to continue?


Reply by Odette

To:- Career Development Plan - Ballet Dancing - Is it too late?

Hi Kiya,

Thank you for your questions.

It's never too late to continue something you enjoy doing.

Are you thinking it's too late in terms of a career? A hobby? Or taking ballet exams?

Ballet is valuable to both the mind and the body so if you enjoy doing it, it's certainly not to late to continue as a form of exercise and hobby.

The exercises you do during the classes will benefit your co-ordination, posture, flexibility and your general health and well-being.

Perhaps bring your concerns upon your teacher as she will guide you into the right direction.

Also, you might want to take a look at the Career Development Plan which will give you an insight to what professional ballet dancers have to go through.

All the best


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Career Development Plan -Too late to start at twenty two?

by Amelia

Career Development Plan -Too late to start at twenty two?

Hello Odette. I am 22 years old and live in Bogota, Colombia. I have just started practicing ballet two months ago and have never felt so passionate and in love about anything. Although I have just started I feel I have a natural talent for it, I am very delicate in my moves and try to be very gracious and my teachers tell me I have improved a lot. Is it too late to consider a professional career in ballet? I train two days a week for 1 hour and a half each session. But in june through august I plan to attend a ballet summer school in New York City, can you recommend any schools in this city? Or do you recommend another city? Should I take it just as a hobby and forget about a professional career in ballet?

Thank you so much for your time.



Reply by Odette

To:- Career Development Plan -Too late to start at twenty two?

Hello Amelia,

Thank you for contacting me, it is a pleasure to hear from you.

It makes me so happy to hear your passion for ballet. I am very pleased you have found this joy in your life.

Because ballet has such physical demands on the body and such technical difficulty, it is a career which dancers have to train from an early age to master the skills of a professional.

It is a great opportunity that you are attending a summer school in New York. Get the most out of this experience and talk to people - circulate and ask your curiosity to pursue a career in ballet. I am unsure to recommend any schools as I know most vocational ballet schools train students from the ages 11 to 18. However, if you spread the work around and talk to your teachers, perhaps they can give you some further advice.

I do not feel you should completely discard the thought of a professional career in ballet, as this interest could lead you to many other avenues. There are many different careers within the world of ballet and, if it's not dance, there are options which can still enjoy the beauty of ballet. For example, choreographing and teaching, or journalism and photography.

Do not forget, ballet can be enjoyed just as much, if not more, as a hobby than a career.

All the best,


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