Career Development Plan - Starting Ballet without Tutor

by Liv

Career Development Plan - Starting Ballet without Tutor

Hi odette! I want to ask you something. I love ballet so much since I was little, but I'm not allowed to study further when I was in primary and until today I can't continue. So, if i want to start ballet again, can I do it without tutor, but i just rely on videos that i watch and i don't have the proper "equipment" for ballet? Thanks

Reply by Odette To: Career Development Plan - Starting Ballet without Tutor

Hi Liv,
Thanks for your message, great to hear from you! I love your enthusiasm for ballet and how you are wiling to practice yourself, but it's really important to have a tutor/teacher who can teach you and help your progress. Ballet has a very specific technique that even when you try to watch yourself or pick it up, it's hard to master it correctly without the proper guidance of a teacher.

Once you have lessons and begin to understand the technique, it is easier to practice alone because you know the correct way. Otherwise, you could risk injuring yourself or learning the wrong way which won't help you improve as much.

By all means, watch and be inspired by the videos but if you really want to study it is best to do it with a teacher. If this is hard for you, then try talking to your family and finding a way to get classes. You could research yourself online to find schools in your area and discuss it with your parents.

Also, it's necessary to have the right equipment especially the ballet shoes and studio space with the ballet barre. You can dance around the house for fun, but to give yourself a real go at ballet it should really be with a proper tutor in a studio.

Let me know your thoughts. Keep in touch!

Best wishes,

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