Ballet Pointe Shoes - Year old pointe shoes

by Sinead

Ballet Pointe Shoes - Year old pointe shoes

Hi Odette,

Ive been doing pointe for 5 years now on an basic level, and gone through two pairs on my third. I have gaynor mindens and have been wearing them for a year now, recently as i have been working up to my advanced exam, which is in six weeks i have been getting blisters on my little toe and the one next to it. I do not if i tape my toes but if i tape my toes its extremely uncomfortable. Do you think a new pair of pointe shoes are needed ?


Reply by Odette
To:- Ballet Pointe Shoes - Year old pointe shoes

Hi Sinead,

Thank you for contacting me, it's great to hear from you. Gaynor Minden's are known to last a long time, but I would say it is time to get a new pair after 1 year. Obviously it depends how much you are dancing on pointe, because they may well last you that long, but especially if you are working towards your exam I would look into getting a new pair soon. Your exam is in 6 weeks, which sounds like the perfect amount of time to get a new pair and get them ready for your exam. I've always tried wearing Gaynor Minden, so I know how comfortable they can feel. If you are getting blisters where you usually do not, this is even more important to look for a new pair.

You want to feel confident in your pointe shoes for your exam and it can take a week or so to get used to a new pair of shoes, so I would go for it and get another pair if you can!

Good luck and keep me in touch!

Best wishes,

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