Career Development Plan - Not enough confidence

by Allysai

Career Development Plan - Not enough confidence

Dear Odette,
This is like my third time writing to you, but thanks for always answering my questions!
In my dance I am always looking down, I don't even mean to anymore but any time I am doing a variation even with other people I feel like I am missing to opportunity to get the part because I just keep looking down. I tell myself that i won't look down when I am perfect but I don't think that will happen soon. My teacher only pays attention to us when we are trying our hardest and he has given me the correction to stop looking down many times but I can't help it anymore, and because of this I miss the opportunity for corrections and new parts. Any suggestions to boost my confidence. I want to be a dancer one day, and this will help me get way better.
Thanks so much,


Reply by Odette
To:- Career Development Plan - Not enough confidence

Hello Allysia,
Thank you for your message and you know I am always here to help, so don't worry! You can keep in touch - I love to - and keep reading through each page on my website too. You will find pages of precious advice!

I can completely relate to what you are saying. I'm already thinking of tons of advice to give to you, perhaps because these were similar habits of mine which is why I can understand it so much.

To start with, it is a natural habit with even professional dancers to look down. It's not a great habit to get into, but sometimes you just don't realise you are doing it. I would say, try to always think of projecting outwards to the audience and keep this your focus. Then, you won't be dancing internally but towards the audience like a performance.

It also can be partly to do with confidence, because I know when you feel slightly nervous or self-conscious you start to inhibit all your movements and look down for extra security. Yet you don't need to do this. Start now to believe in yourself and tell yourself you can do it. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing, you must keep your whole focus on what YOU are doing.

Also, you have to realise nothing will ever be perfect in ballet. It's hard I know, because of course dancers strive for perfection and reaching the ultimate best. Yet as soon as you accept you don't have to be perfect, you will actually feel less pressure and have more guts to just go for it.

There is no harm is talking to your teacher and telling her you are trying your best to work on her corrections. It is good to develop a respectful but friendly relationship with your teacher, so you are not afraid to communicate with her and work together.

Yet it would be best if you could gradually fix this habit and build the confidence to project your eyeline outwards. It will take time, but it is just a habit so you can alter it.

Take some time to carefully visualise how you want to dance, with your eyeline up. Do it everyday before ballet class and develop the confidence in your mind that you are a superb dancer who is capable of anything that is thrown at you.

Keep in touch and make sure you do the visualise practice. Mostly, it is all in your mind and thoughts that hold you back. So, start each day to 'go for it' more and believe in yourself.

Best wishes,

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Thank You
by: Allysia

Thank you so much, you always know what advise is good this will really helps me

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