Ballet Dancers - Type 1 Diabetes

by Madison

Ballet Dancers - Type 1 Diabetes

Are there any tips for a dancer with type 1 diabetes? I love ballet with all my heart and I work hard every lesson. But sometimes my diabetes gets in the way. Like I'll be in class and I cant think properly because my blood glucose levels are high which effects my unscenes or they will go to low and then I need to leave class to eat something (if I dont I will faint), causing me to miss out on important ecercises:[ Is there any tips or things I should eat before class to prevent this because I really want to dance and I'm scared this will stop me! I had a low in an exam once... it was really frightening.

also do you know any ballet dancers that have type 1 diabetes?

from Madison.W


Reply by Odette

To:- Ballet Dancers - Type 1 Diabetes

Hello Madison,

Thank you for contacting me, it is a pleasure to hear from you.

I gather it must be very hard for you, especially if your diabetes affects your energy levels and concentration for class. I am sure that with time you can gradually learn how to manage your diabetes and begin to cope getting safely through your ballet classes. Perhaps try keeping a diabetes diary and record when you okay or when you feel low. This way, you can start to detect which foods work best to eat before, after or during class.

Ziporra Karz, a former soloist ballerina with the New York City Ballet, also had type 1 diabetes. She has written a book about it called "The Sugarless Plum" which I think will be very helpful to you.

All the best,


ps. To become the best dancer you can be, learn the Seven Secrets ..... go to my 'Seven Secrets of Ballet' page

Comments for Ballet Dancers - Type 1 Diabetes

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by: Madison

Thankyou Odette I appreciate your help, sometimes it is hard dancing with diabetes but I will keep trying my best.

Keep on dancing
by: Anonymous

My 5 year old daughter has type 1 diabetes and constantly telling me that when she grows up she is going to be a ballerina, she absolutely loves ballet and also practices with heart and dedication. Please keep dancing Madison you may well be the inspiration she will look up to in her future.

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