Choosing Ballet Pointe Shoes

by Giddy

Choosing Ballet Pointe Shoes

Adult dancer (25years en pointe) choreographer, and instructor needs to go back on pointe.

Ciao. Am age of 55. Ballet age 4. Pointe age 10. Off Pointe age 45 for care terminally ill husband. One year doing great strength workout daily x2 at barre y centre,y technique daily x3. Rest (everyday stretching)x2 days. Studio in home.

TOOOOO many choices for pointe shoes. Three hour drive is nearest dance store. Russians y Blochs (25 years).

Street shoe 8N/38N. Arch is middle. At en pointe (age 10)pain y discomfort great toe bilaterally; maybe from weak capezio shank y ill fit y box?(1st only capezio could get for pointe) Change to Russian less problem but very hard y uneasy break in. Bloch is best comfort but last short time. But time is not matter now.

Please will you suggest? Can order online now only. I very much welcome anything you say!



Reply by Odette

To:- Choosing Ballet Pointe Shoes

Hello Giddy,

Thank you for contacting me, it is a pleasure to hear from you.

I agree, there are so many different choices for pointe shoes it can seem quite overwhelming to choose the right pair.

Having worn Bloch pointe shoes for a good majority of my training as a dancer, I would suggest this brand of shoe. I find Bloch pointe shoes are my "safe" pair of shoes. They are strong, supportive and have many different styles within the brand.

Bloch are also widely available online which is very convenient for you. Bloch is a highly popular brand and are for both beginners and advanced dancers. Perhaps try different styles within this brand to find a harder type and make them last longer.

Take a look at my Bloch Pointe Shoe page for more information.

All the best,


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