Discover the 7 Virtues To Become a Professional Ballet Dancer…

Virtue 1: PASSION

I have identified 7 Virtues in all.  Each virtue is available to buy as an individual mini-eBook (covering about 30 pages) or you can download the series together as one set.



Why This eBook is Number 1 in the Series

This eBook is about how to use your hunger and passion to set you above other dancers, even those that might be technically better than you. 

I explain how having a real, genuine passion for ballet is a must for those who want to go ahead and have a career with a leading corps de ballet. 

I give you a unique way to assess whether or not you have the right kind of burning desire deep inside you.  However, I also warn that being over-anxious about your aspirations can often make you too tentative in your outlook and body language - which has no place in the ballet studio or onstage. 

So I show you how to channel the energy of your passion properly in order to change your outlook, move you forward, and take you to the professional level. 

You may already have passion, but you need this mini-ebook first to define it, then to show you how to use it to your advantage and finally fulfil your dreams.

Here’s what you are getting in the eBook….

  • A self-help test to assess whether or not you have the right kind of burning desire deep inside you
  • Why you need passion and how it will always be your greatest asset and starting point.
  • I forewarn you of the reasons why even the most naturally talented of ballet students stop dancing
  • I tell you how to easily guard against the pitfalls
  • I give you the 10 commandments of passion
  • Honest and true advice from someone who knows.  This is not theory.  It is real.
  • I give you the raw ammunition to carve your very own ballet career
  • And more…

I have identified 7 Virtues in all.  Each virtue is available to buy as an individual mini-eBook (covering about 30 pages) or you can download the series together as one set.

How Do I Know All This?..... 

I have been through every experience you are feeling, I gradually taught myself the rules of ‘passion’ and succeeded beyond my wildest dreams to be dancing professionally all over the world in some of the most glamorous, exotic and beautiful places on earth. 

I made it, I want to show you how too.  

I was lucky, I had one or two people take an interest and give me little pointers here and there - which I could have easily missed, as their life-lessons were never part of the curriculum. 

I listened and absorbed, but above all, once I had a chance to dance with a ballet corps, I observed the virtue of passion amongst the professional dancers.  I saw how it was the centre of everything they did.

Where your passion comes from is the key to your success and the thing I can really teach you.....

Some of the Key Passion Chapters …

  • Passion in Ballet
  • How to Stand Out From the Crowd
  • The 10 Commandments of Passion
  • Does Your Passion Pass the Test?
  • And more…

Virtue 1: Passion  began with my desire to guide young, aspiring ballet dancers just like you.  I receive literally hundreds of queries on my website about how you are so passionate for ballet and would do anything to become a professional.

Think in Real Terms....

Many of you think of becoming a ballerina in a dream-like and fantasy way. However, there is much more behind the tutus, beauty, lights and pointe shoes.  There is reality.  In this ebook I hit you between the eyes to alter your approach.

Which is why, I have to ask you if your passion is really what you say it is.

Because it is my job and my passion, I help you go all the way.

Is your passion enough?

Nearly every young dancer says to me they have the passion and are longing to become a professional.

I have to deep further and tell you why, how and what your passion will do for you in your journey to become a dancer.

You will find all the answers in Virtue 1: Passion

The eBook:

Purchase Virtue 1: Passion as an e-book and you will immediately receive it as an PDF download. You can save it to your computer so you can refer to it whenever you need.

There is a clickable contents and organised sections for you to easily search your way through this ultimate guidebook...

Above is a 2-page view of the eBook on a computer screen



I have identified 7 Virtues in all.  Each virtue is available to buy as an individual mini-eBook (covering about 30 pages) or you can download the series together as one set.

The other titles are Circumstance, Physicality, Mentality, Support, Time, Savvy. For further information on all the book titles click here…


"I absolutely love the first virtue!  I've always had that burning passion for ballet, but whenever I dance I focus to much on my technique and I totally forget to just relax and let that passion burn through. I just really need to put every ounce of passion into my movement and technique! Thank you for writing this amazing E-book." - Kourtney

"I really enjoyed reading the "Passion" eBook. I read some things I hadn't thought about before regarding passion. I think now that I have read your ebook I will channel my passion the right way and it will help me even more in my dreams of become a professional." - Erin

"I would love to have your 'Passion' book because that is what drives me (and all ballerinas, of course!) to achieve my full potential." - Benisha