Too Young for Ballet Pointe Shoes?

by Moonie

Too Young for Ballet Pointe Shoes?

Hey Odette I love doing ballet and I want a pair of ballet pointe shoes just for fun. So I went to a dance shoe store to buy some but they said that I need a note from my teacher and I'm really scared to ask her. She is really funny and nice but for some reason I think she would say I'm to young to worry about it and I don't have enough training but I'm getting tired of the same thing but i mostly want them for fun:) I've even considered buying them online but I know you need someone with training to help you fit them so you don't get hurt but I want them so bad Im willing to do anything. can you please help me?


Reply by Odette

To:- Too Young for Ballet Pointe Shoes?

ballet pre-pointe
Remember, just like I did before I went en pointe, ballet students MUST take responsibility for their own strengthening prior to beginning pointe work.

Australian dancer, Lisa Howell has made a video which explains how pre-point strengthening works.

Don't leave it to your teacher!

You can watch this pre-pointe video
yourself here
(just wait for the page to load up then the video is on the top right of the page).

Hello Moonie,

Thank you for contacting me, it is a pleasure to hear from you.

For extra guidance to get you prepared for pointe, the video above is very useful. Be sure to take a quick look at Lisa's pre-pointe video to avoid possible future trouble.

I understand you must be longing for pointe shoes but for every dancer, it is essential to be ready before you begin to wear ballet pointe shoes. Even if you want them mostly for fun, if you are not ready, you are putting yourself at harm and could damage your feet for the future.

It is important you get your teacher's permission before buying pointe shoes, as she will know whether you are ready. Try not to be scared to ask your teacher. Perhaps approach her before or after your lesson and ask how long it would be before you would be able to begin pointe. Also ask what you can do in the meantime to help with the beginnings of pointe work. Don't feel afraid, that is what your teacher is here for.

It is advisable to have your first pair of pointe shoes properly fitted, so avoid buying them online.

It is a magical moment when you are ready to wear pointe shoes, so do not rush this stage but wait until the time is right. If you wait until you are ready and strong, it will be so much better and you will progress a lot quicker.

Take a look at, Pointe Ballet Shoes - Are You Ready?, which will give you some extra tips on being ready for pointe.

As hard as it is, be patient - the best things are worth waiting for!

All the best,


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